Combating Cyberbullying in Uganda: Empowering Victims and Enforcing Change

Combating Cyberbullying in Uganda: Empowering Victims and Enforcing Change

Curbing Cyberbullying in Uganda. At a time when digital technologies have spread widely all over the world, Addressing cyberbullying requires a multifaceted approach; As much as we are working to solve cyberbullying, there are ways one can protect themselves from being the target of most cyberbullies.  Unveiling the Dark Side of Cyber Bullying in Uganda…

The Effect of the Evolution of Social Media on Media professionals.

The Effect of the Evolution of Social Media on Media professionals.

Waking up to a phone buzzing with 1000 notifications from countless social media platforms is everyone’s dream; well at least for most 21st-century digital enthusiasts.  For most digital creators, its become a lucrative business today with the number of followers determining how much one is paid to push a particular agenda online.  For media professionals…

The Legal Landscape; Addressing Cyber Bullying and Harassment in Uganda.

The Legal Landscape; Addressing Cyber Bullying and Harassment in Uganda.

Cyberbullying in Uganda remains an unsolved issue today. With free and easy access to the internet and mobile devices, harassment continues to thrive online living many victims with the after-effects and zero solutions. Over the years, different legal frameworks and initiatives have been put in place to combat online harassment.  In 2022, the Government of…


We are taught a lot of things in society from our biological families (whether extended or nuclear), friends, schools, workplaces, and religious institutions we all respectively subscribe to, that categorize human beings basing on their gender roles and their ancestorial or social perspective as more important, superior and inferior which has put us in Pandora’s…