We are taught a lot of things in society from our biological families (whether extended or nuclear), friends, schools, workplaces, and religious institutions we all respectively subscribe to, that categorize human beings basing on their gender roles and their ancestorial or social perspective as more important, superior and inferior which has put us in Pandora’s box.
As women we are expected to be less ambitious, according to society our only purpose that we will forever be valued for is the fact that if we compliment men more to be successful, our ability to attract and keep a man, our strength to conceive (fertility), give birth, nurture our off springs into the same repetitive cycle and not forgetting the nitty grittiest of managing a home in the name of holding together the dignity and legacy of our families, husband and the reputation for us as WOMEN and the families we come from.
Its great that women the former generations easily devoted their lives and took on roles they never entirely wanted or thought through just because this is how things are done in my cultures, this was done without though of if that lady, girl, women really wanted the choices family and society made for them like early marriage, wife inheritance, arranged or forced marriage, inaccessibility to education, unable to access sexual reproductive health and rights information, services and products or even a choice to decide what, when, where and why their bodies should belong to everyone else but them, Women were more inferior, unincluded in decision making of life changing scenarios that entirely affects their lives.
As much as we look back and only feel pity for the woman in that generation, we are glad that in our generation, we are redefining femineity, we are advocating fr inclusion and gender equality that equally favors women in society to not only contribute to the growth of their communities in areas of politics, religion, business world but also enabling women take charge of their lives and health having their dreams, goals, aspirations and body choices in the context of decision making.
We are setting our sights higher to be able to benefit gender inclusion, giving our lives more purpose beyond having babies, sexually satisfying our men but equally thriving in areas of careers, family, society and keeping our mental and personal health and proudly say we are PROUD OF BEING WOMEN.
Being raised by a single father that is also a disabled (wheel chair user) with a family of 6 siblings with me as a female first born, my father’s circles never hid the preference they had and how they wished I was a boy child, “Your daughter is very strong, wise, disciplined and self-driven like men, don’t you wish she was a boy instead of a girl?” The argument was women grow and give more value to the families they are married into, for circles that were not that shy they sometimes suggested to my father to give more attention, platform and resources to his boys because they have more chances of maintaining and protecting the name and his legacy.
To my surprise, He always replied with “My daughter is a blessing from God, I would never wish for a better first child than Her” which most of conservative families do not hold the same views, we will have scenarios of Moses go to school, Moses go and drive my Car and if it’s a girl child go to the kitchen and help your mother, The women belong in the kitchen’s mentality.
Right this minute Kaligirwa Bridget Kigambo a 25-year-old mutoro female first born to Mr. Kigambo Moses and Ms Kanyiginya Grace is the founder and Executive Director of Girl Potential Care Centre and Green Shero ltd in Kabarole, Rwenzori region Uganda. She is an architect, cartoonist, social entrepreneur, and girl child advocate. Her work and art advocate and support the rights of women, girls, and people living with special needs to have equal rights and access to affordable services and enabling opportunities to exploit their full potentials in rural communities.
She does this work through menstrual health and hygiene programs and creating safe spaces for women and girls to decide or have a choice on how, what, why and when they use their God-given bodies to create change, impact themselves and their close communities.

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